Stock trading involves buying and selling shares of publicly listed companies on the stock exchanges, with the goal of profiting from price fluctuations. It requires knowledge of market trends, company performance, and economic factors. Stock trading carries both potential rewards and risks. SEBI Stock Exchange Board of India safeguards the interests of Indian investors in the securities market, promotes its development and smooth functioning, and regulates the business operations within the market.
If you have a high risk tolerance and are knowledgeable or willing to learn about the stock market.
If you're aiming for high returns and have the time and patience.
Investing in stocks with a long-term horizon (3-5 years or more) reduces the impact of short-term volatility.
bBETTER GROWTH advises clients in comprehending the complexities of stock market investments, assists in buying, selling, and holding stocks to meet financial goals by
Providing market research information to stay updated on market trends and company performance.
Sharing available short-term and long-term stock options to enhance diversification within the portfolio.
Providing company, sector specific available micro-macro-economic updated information may help to mitigate risk to safeguard investments.
Sharing updated information regarding stock exchange trading time, working hours, business, and holidays to buy or sell stocks.
Reviewing portfolio performance based on market fluctuations and encouraging disciplined decision-making.
Empowering clients with knowledge of market information to make informed decisions, manage risks and returns.